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Style Guide

This document defines a style guide for Subjekt models. Following common style guide makes models easier to read.


  • Subjekt models are encoded in UTF-8.
  • Each statement in the model should appear on its own line.
  • All files should end with a new line.
  • Omit semicolons entirely, unless within a string value.
  • Omit commas everywhere except in traits or node values defined on a single line.

Model File​

Subjekt models should be authored using the Subjekt IDL. Below is an example of the recommended style guide

metadata extenders = []

use subjekt.example.namespace

/// This is a documentation
string MyString

/// This is another documentation
@length(min: 1, max: 100)
string ShortString

/// Structure documentation here
/// Preferred to be more descriptive
structure MyStructure {

/// Member documentation here
someVariable: MyString

/// Custom trait documentation
@trait(selector: "string")
structure myTrait { }


Namespace names​

Namespace names should consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and dots. Camel case words can be used to better control namespaces.

Shape names​

  • Shape names use a strict form of UpperCamelCase (e.g. XmlHttpRequest).
  • Enums should use a singular noun (e.g. prefer Suit over Suits).
  • Lists should use plural names (e.g. prefer Users over UserList).
  • Behaviors should follow the format of VerbNoun (e.g. UpdateUser).
  • Subjects should be named after the name of a subject, omitting the word "Subject" and branding when possible (e.g. prefer Composer over SubjektifyComposerSubject).

Member names​

Member names use a strict form of lowerCamelCase (e.g. xmlHttpRequest).

Trait names​

By convention, traits use lowerCamelCase (e.g. xmlHttpRequest).


Abbreviations are represented as normal words. For example, use XmlHttpRequest instead of XMLHTTPRequest.