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Subjekt IDL

Subjekt models are defined using either the Subjekt interface definition language (IDL) or the JSON abstract syntax tree (AST). This document defines the syntax and ABNF grammar for defining models using the Subjekt IDL.

IDL Overview​

The Subjekt IDL is made up of 3, ordered blocks, each of which is optional:

  1. Metadata Block: applies metadata to the entire model.
  2. Use Block: The use section of the IDL is used to import shapes into the current namespace so that they can be referred to using a relative shape ID.
  3. Shape Block: where shapes and traits are defined. The use keyword can be defined before shapes or traits to refer to shapes in other namespaces using a shorter name.

The following example defines a basic model file:

// 1. Metadata block
metadata foo = "bar"

// 2. Use block

use some.other.namespace#OtherString

// 3. Shape block

structure MyStructure {
referencedString: OtherString

Lexical Notes​

  • Subjekt models MUST be encoded using UTF-8 and SHOULD use Unix style line endings \n.
  • The Subjekt ABNF is whitespace sensitive.
  • Except for within strings, commas and semicolons in the Subjekt IDL are considered whitespaces. Commas and semicolons can be used anywhere where they make the model easier to read (for example, in complex traits defined on a single line). While semicolons are usually added by developers at the end of each statement

Subjekt IDL ABNF​

The Subjects IDL is defined by the following ABNF which uses case-sensitive string support defined in RFC 7405.

idl = 
[ WS ] MetadataBlock UseBlock ShapeBlock


WS =
1*(SP / NL / Comment / Comma) ; whitespace

Comma =
"," ; the comma character

SP =
1*(%x20 / %x09) ; one or more spaces or tabs

NL =
%x0A / %x0D.0A ; Newline: \n and \r\n

NotNL =
%x09 / %x20-10FFFF ; Any character except newline

BR =
[SP] 1*(Comment / NL) [WS]; line break followed by whitespace


Comment =
DocumentationComment / LineComment

DocumentationComment =
"///" *NotNL NL

LineComment =
"//" [(%x09 / %x20-2E / %x30-10FFF) *NotNL] NL ; First character after "//" can't be "/"


MetadataBlock =

MetadataStatement =
%s"metadata" SP NodeObjectKey [SP] "=" [SP] NodeValue BR

Node Value​

NodeValue =
/ NodeObject
/ Number
/ NodeKeyword
/ NodeStringValue

NodeArray =
"[" [WS] *(NodeValue [WS]) "]"

NodeObject =
"{" [WS] [NodeObjectKvp *(WS NodeObjectKvp)] [WS] "}"

NodeObjectKvp =
NodeObjectKey [WS] ":" [WS] NodeValue

NodeObjectKey =
QuotedText / Identifier

Number =
[Minus] Int [Frac] [Exp]

DecimalPoint =
%x2E ; .

DigitOneToNine =
%x31-39 ; 1-9

E =
%x65 / %x45 ; e E

Exp =
E [Minus / Plus] 1*DIGIT

Frac =
DecimalPoint 1*DIGIT

Int =
Zero / (DigitOneToNine *DIGIT)

Minus =
%x2D ; -

Plus =
%x2B ; +

Zero =
%x30 ; 0

NodeKeyword =
%s"true" / %s"false" / %s"null"

NodeStringValue =
ShapeId / TextBlock / QuotedText

QuotedText =

QuotedChar =
%x09 ; tab
/ %x20-21 ; space - "!"
/ %x23-5B ; "#" - "["
/ %x5D-10FFFF ; "]"+
/ EscapedChar
/ NL

EscapedChar =
Escape (Escape / DQUOTE / %s"b" / %s"f"
/ %s"n" / %s"r" / %s"t" / "/"
/ UnicodeEscape)

UnicodeEscape =
%s"u" Hex Hex Hex Hex

Hex =
DIGIT / %x41-46 / %x61-66

Escape =
%x5C ; backslash

TextBlock =
ThreeDquotes [SP] NL *TextBlockContent ThreeDquotes

TextBlockContent =
QuotedChar / (1*2DQUOTE 1*QuotedChar)

ThreeDquotes =


ShapeBlock =
[NamespaceStatement UseSection [ShapeStatements]]

NamespaceStatement =
%s"namespace" SP Namespace BR

UseSection =

UseStatement =
%s"use" SP AbsoluteRootShapeId BR

ShapeStatements =
ShapeOrApplyStatement *(BR ShapeOrApplyStatement)

ShapeOrApplyStatement =
ShapeStatement / ApplyStatement

ShapeStatement =
TraitStatements Shape

Shape =
/ EnumShape
/ AggregateShape
/ EntityShape
/ OperationShape

SimpleShape =
SimpleTypeName SP Identifier [Mixins]

SimpleTypeName =
%s"blob" / %s"boolean" / %s"document" / %s"string"
/ %s"byte" / %s"short" / %s"integer" / %s"long"
/ %s"float" / %s"double" / %s"bigInteger"
/ %s"bigDecimal" / %s"timestamp"

Mixins =
[SP] %s"with" [WS] "[" [WS] 1*(ShapeId [WS]) "]"

EnumShape =
EnumTypeName SP Identifier [Mixins] [WS] EnumShapeMembers

EnumTypeName =
%s"enum" / %s"intEnum"

EnumShapeMembers =
"{" [WS] 1*(EnumShapeMember [WS]) "}"

EnumShapeMember =
TraitStatements Identifier [ValueAssignment]

ValueAssignment =
[SP] "=" [SP] NodeValue [SP] [Comma] BR

AggregateShape =
AggregateTypeName SP Identifier [ForResource] [Mixins]
[WS] ShapeMembers

AggregateTypeName =
%s"list" / %s"map" / %s"union" / %s"structure"

ForResource =
SP %s"for" SP ShapeId

ShapeMembers =
"{" [WS] *(ShapeMember [WS]) "}"

ShapeMember =
TraitStatements (ExplicitShapeMember / ElidedShapeMember)

ExplicitShapeMember =
Identifier [SP] ":" [SP] ShapeId

ElidedShapeMember =
"$" Identifier

EntityShape =
EntityTypeName SP Identifier [Mixins] [WS] NodeObject

EntityTypeName =
%s"service" / %s"resource"

OperationShape =
%s"operation" SP Identifier [Mixins] [WS] OperationBody

OperationBody =
"{" [WS] *(OperationProperty [WS]) "}"

OperationProperty =
OperationInput / OperationOutput / OperationErrors

OperationInput =
%s"input" [WS] (InlineAggregateShape / (":" [WS] ShapeId))

OperationOutput =
%s"output" [WS] (InlineAggregateShape / (":" [WS] ShapeId))

OperationErrors =
%s"errors" [WS] ":" [WS] "[" [WS] *(ShapeId [WS]) "]"

InlineAggregateShape =
":=" [WS] TraitStatements [ForResource] [Mixins]
[WS] ShapeMembers

Shape ID​

ShapeId =
RootShapeId [ShapeIdMember]

RootShapeId =
AbsoluteRootShapeId / Identifier

AbsoluteRootShapeId =
Namespace "#" Identifier

Namespace =
Identifier *("." Identifier)

Identifier =
IdentifierStart *IdentifierChars

IdentifierStart =
(1*"_" (ALPHA / DIGIT)) / ALPHA

IdentifierChars =

ShapeIdMember =
"$" Identifier


TraitStatements =
*(Trait [WS])

Trait =
"@" ShapeId [TraitBody]

TraitBody =
"(" [WS] [TraitStructure / TraitNode] ")"

TraitStructure =
1*(NodeObjectKvp [WS])

TraitNode =
NodeValue [WS]

ApplyStatement =
ApplyStatementSingular / ApplyStatementBlock

ApplyStatementSingular =
%s"apply" SP ShapeId WS Trait

ApplyStatementBlock =
%s"apply" SP ShapeId WS "{" [WS] TraitStatements "}"