The Types below detail the fundamental data structures and data types integral to the Subjekt Model. These types align with standard Ethereum and web3 conventions, ensuring seamless integration and interoperability.
📄️ Simple Types
Simple types represent fundamental data types that can be used to define the properties of states and behaviors within subjects. Each type is designed to handle specific kinds of data, from numeric values to complex cryptographic addresses.
📄️ Aggregate Types
Aggregate shapes in Subjektify represent more complex data structures composed of multiple simple or nested types. These shapes allow for the definition of collections or composite data types, enabling the modeling of intricate and hierarchical data relationships within a subject.
📄️ Subject Types
Subject shapes define the core entities and their interactions within Subjektify models. They encompass the primary components of a subject-oriented application, including state, and behaviors, making them essential for defining the functional aspects of a decentralized application.